Winter is Coming...again! Ice, Ice, baby (too cold, too cold) With the start of the New Year, we come back...
On the 12 Days of Twistmas the server gave to me....12 Hunters speeding11 Zombies melting10 Little heroes9 Trophies gleaming8 Waves...
TWISTED WINDS PRESENTS THE DEADZONE All hundos may enter. None may leave. The year's final challenge is back. We've come...
In Case You Missed It With us quickly approaching the end of our challenge cycle and the pinnacle of Twisted...
I Live My Life A Quarter Mile At A Time It's time to burnout and blaze the next challenge. This month...
I Kissed a Ghoul and I Liked It! It's close to m-i-i-i-i-i-i-idnight.And Fright Club is lurking in the dark.If you...
Are you S-Class? Choose your path for Super Soul Survivor! Patrika : Artist: We knew this day would come....
Are you ready to AAAchieve? You've experienced Indie-Pendance, but are you an @AAAchiever? The next challenge is upon us and...
Schoo-o-o-o-o-o-l's out...for...Summer! The next challenge is upon us and we're riding high from a successful Dragonslayer Season. This month it's...
If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon. This month we're going back to the basics. A classic...